"It's a good experience to have this training and an eye opener in helping me sell and know how to communicate with my customers" - Eric Akuamoah
"Amazing course and definitely worth the time and value invested. Pragmatic, tested techniques and the instructor sounds like he has embodied the techniques described." -Renu Hunjan
"I never looked at my Belief (personal and work) as deep as the Lectures is explaining me to do. I love it.... opens my eyes to a whole new and different belief system. Thank you millions" - Doreen Erasmus
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Management Reports, Activity logs, Assignments.
Our training content creates a foundation of growth for years to come by elevating a giving mentality. With results of 20% increases in employee productivity, we will reveal the psychology behind what your skills techniques and strategies your leaders and sales people need in order to positively impact your business through elevated value that will eliminate your competition. competition.
Get a clear snapshot of how effective the training is with our one-of-a-kind infographic to check in on important metrics.
View the number of people actively participating in the training
See course completion and test pass rates
Study the way your people interact with the content
With the built-in return on investment calculator, you’ll have an estimate of the amount of money you’ve saved by training online at your fingertips
We will give you the information that keeps your employees happy, educated, and motivated to achieve their best every day.
See a real example of the training infographic report here

Individual Infographics
Training is ultimately about the learner. To keep your employees engaged and motivated they can review, print or download their own infographics:
Progress updates, i.e. courses they’re enrolled in, time spent on training, courses completed.
Review Achievements, i.e. pass rate, number of certificates awarded, badges earned.

Mobile Friendly
Native applications for iOS and Android devices. Fast and easy to use, all your progress will automatically get synchronized with the TalentLMS cloud servers the moment you go back online. This is perfect for a sales team that is constantly on the go, listen to videos in the car, at the gym or in-between sales calls.

In just a few clicks, you can turn your training into an addictive goal-setting and goal-reaching powerhouse.
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Other Available Tools:
Custom Reports: Use custom filters to build the type of reports that will help you make better decisions. Get clear-cut, downloadable and actionable reports every time.
Activity Tracking: A timeline of your group's actions.
Customizable Modules: Ability to customize courses "real time" to the evolving needs of your company and the changes in your industry through modified lessons and/or learning paths.
Scheduling Reports: Stay informed on your employee’s progress with email reports. Schedule reports to arrive at any weekly interval you choose and share with your team. Dig deeper into your learning analytics by exporting reports to Excel.
Rich Communication Tools: Support 24/7 from your dedicated account manager and access to personal messages, calendars, and discussion forums.
Exercises/Quizzes: Keep your team on pace and to ensure understanding of content.
What can you expect?
When you shift your focus from getting to giving you will experience higher profits, achieve less turnover and create an unbreakable culture of excellence. This is achieved through easy to learn philosophies that support the highest leadership skills and most effective communication techniques, making it necessary for every industry, skill level, and size of company.
Business, at the very core of it, is just effective communication techniques that every company needs to learn and apply. We carry an important message of what it takes to see your business thrive for years to come and how to make your average performers top professionals. Your employees will not only be taught the techniques, skills and strategies that work, but develop the skill in how to actually apply them in their daily routine. No matter what situation they find themselves in, they will have the confidence and know-how to deal with it effectively.
"Snackable" Microlearnings
Designed for B2B or B2C incorporating one-hundred bite size espresso rich video’s presented in untraditional environments with cartoon and whiteboard animation reinforcement video’s, celebrity moment video’s designed for inspiration and motivation and exercises offering personal customization!
What we cover
BUSINESS & LEADERSHIP: Reinforce your focus on “People” with an emphasis on how to add value during every interaction. It doesn't matter if you're in marketing, if you're in engineering, if you're in selling, or in finance, your career, title or position really doesn't matter. It's all supporting human connection and how one human being connects with another and how specific philosophies and principles that you can measure are able to reinforce progression in your life and the lives of the people that you touch.
Workplace Reciprocity Types: Identify each reciprocity type in the workplace and how they influence business success. Learn to identify the traits and characteristics of what the most successful ‘givers’ focus on and how to ensure you are in the top 25% of over-achieving givers, which research has proven is recognized as the top reciprocity type in the workplace today.
Shifting Your Focus: You’ll learn that shifting your focus from getting to giving, meaning constantly and consistently adding value to others is actually quite practical. When you shift your focus from yourself, when you move from a “me” or an “I” to a “you” or an “other” focus, you change the platform of communication completely, pulling people towards you.
Create Value: Learn how five elements of your extrinsic value ensure that every customer, client or employee interaction creates the feeling of "wow" that was an awesome experience triggering the need for the person you met, to want to talk about the experience to other people, creating an army of personal walking ambassadors for you.
Touch Lives: Learn how to utilize the power of “borrowed influence” to ensure easier appointment making, quicker decision-making and enabling you to work smarter not harder.
Build Influence: Learn the power of influence through “human to Human” connection and how to create an unseen flow of energy that naturally connects you with the person you are talking to. Learn how to increase the speed of decision and achieve immediate connection with the people around you so they know, like and trust you!
Authenticity: Learn the power of your own authentic self, why it’s important and what stops us from being our true authentic self. Authenticity is what gives us freedom to be ourselves and be comfortable with who we are, and it's also what gives us access to connecting with other people in a meaningful and genuine way. Realize the true gift we can give ourselves and those around us -- the real us.
Reciprocity: Learn how to stay open to receiving and improve your understanding of how both giving value and receiving are two sides of the same coin. There can only be a giving if there is a receiving and there can only be a receiving if there is a giving, so don’t stop the flow.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Place yourself in a mindset that gives you the ability to keep progressing forward, regardless of what's happening, because remember, it's not about what's happening now, it’s about how you're responding to what's happening now, and your ability to respond positively and focus on the positive is going to get you through any situation. It doesn't matter. That's what life success is all about. It's about your resilience.
Emotional Resilience: How is it that some people respond well to stress and others don’t? What are they doing and how can you apply what they are doing? What is it that the high performing athletes, successful entrepreneurs and those people that appear to always be switched on utilize to get themselves in the right mental and emotional state and how do they create the energy and power to be resilient to anything that comes their way? Learn how to extend life, double your energy, improve your blood flow and reinforce the right chemicals that give you a higher immune response that ensure you remain calm and have less stress in your world.
Mental Resilience: In addition to a success framework that outlines the steps to achieving mental resilience to any challenge, you’ll learn proven and highly effective principles that make the biggest difference in achieving your personal and professional growth, leading to not just the feeling of being “whole” but the financial success that leads to life independence too.
Define Your Thinking: Learn how to clear your mind, understand what is influencing your thoughts, identify what has been stopping you from taking action and how to clear the negativity that may be affecting your results and overall well-being.
Realize Your True Value: We’ll show you how to identify the true value you bring to the world through achieving a deeper understanding of what is stopping you from being the confident and assertive individual that you know you can be.
Create Energy: Learn how to establish the foundation of a positive self-image and what to focus on in order to build a stronger foundation that triggers a new thought process and opens the door to even bigger dreams of achievement.
Realize Your Intrinsic Value: Learn how to tap into the power of your subconscious mind and how it helps you to achieve the desired mental state that triggers the forces of nature to achieve the result you’re after and how to dig deeper into your thoughts and analyze how to accentuate the positive value you bring to the world, so it positively affects your future.
Maintain Momentum: Know how to train your mind to reach within and continuously move forward to find that inner contentment-not the short-term solution but the long-term one that allow your dreams to be realized
SALES MASTERY: Learn how to take the action to affect change. Be inspired by thought provoking moments, epiphanies and reality checks reinforced by relevant and meaningful content designed for America 2.0. The invaluable content guarantees to offer you a “hack” into what the highest paid professional salespeople are focusing on that this prestigious inner circle call: “Sales Essentials” that everyone needs to know but no one is teaching or even discussing.
ELEVATING VALUE: Learn how to outsell your competition by focusing on unconsidered elements that will naturally pull your client towards you and elevating not just your product value but your overall value too. Learn how to incorporate and communicate a hidden power that enables your client to psychologically connect and be pulled into “wanting” what you are offering.
ESTABLISHING TRUST: Learn how to transition from Features, Functions, Benefits and open the mind of your prospective customer, gain their trust and emotionally achieve their acceptance to commit to the sale.
PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS: Tap into the power of the six-step process that enable you to create a credible platform, that allow your client to feel confident about moving forward, through reinforcement that there will be zero risk in making the decision. Learn a powerful eight-step process that ensures you effectively communicate the benefits and results that match your client needs.
BUILDING RAPPORT: Rapport is an unseen flow of energy that naturally connects you with the person you are talking to. Learn how to effectively communicate and achieve immediate connection with your client so they know, like and trust you. Increase the effectiveness of your communication by incorporating sensory system dialogue that enable you to immediately connect with a different part of the brain that enables your ability to speed the process of building rapport.
STRATEGIC QUESTIONING SKILLS: Learn how to ask the right questions, at the correct time, and in the right way, and how to use the tagalong questioning technique, enabling you to communicate more effectively, capturing deeper more relevant information while having a natural conversation with your client.
CLOSING THE SALE: Learn the psychology behind why a client makes a decision and how to incorporate eight closing principles that guarantee you’ll close more sales. Learn how to receive fewer objections and identify what's behind the objections you do get and eliminate your competition by not just establishing client criteria but setting new criteria that position your company and solution as the only option.
REFERRALS: Reaching the decision maker is crucial for every salesperson to master, however achieving commitment to see you is paramount to how successful you will be. Learn how to effectively respond to potential objections such as; "I'm not interested" or "send me information" and what technique make’s the client's objection their reason to want to see you! Achieve more appointments by identifying where to focus, what to do when you focus and who the people are within a company to focus on.